How to manage your account in the Online Registry

Getting access to your account if you forget your user details

To reset your Online Registry user name or password, go to the Log in page and click the link to 'Forgotten password' or 'Forgotten user name'.

You will get an email which contains a six digit number and a link. You can either copy and paste the number into the next screen, or just click on the link.

Please wait up to 30 minutes for the email to arrive.

Unauthorised activity

If you enter the wrong user name or password five times in a row, you will see an 'unauthorised activity' message. You will be temporarily prevented from using Online Registry secure services.

Please wait five minutes, and try logging in again. If you have forgotten your user name or password, please click on the links to forgotten user name or password on the Log in page.

Changing your password

Once you are logged in, select Manage profile. Click on one of the buttons - Change password, Change secret questions or change email - and follow the prompts.

Managing permissions

Permissions control what level of access a user has to secure services. If you registered as a delegate, your permissions are determined by the Online Registry user who has added you as their delegate. They can choose to give you access to one or more of the following:

  • Permission to act as an administrator of an eOrganisation (Administration)
  • Permission to file forms online or via XML (File Document)
  • Permission to view case information (Get Case)

After filing, both you and the delegate who filed the forms will receive an email with the approved forms attached.