NSW Online Registry
Courts and Tribunals

Supreme Court Corporations Registrar's Directions List


Online Court is now available for use in the Supreme Court Corporations, Registrar's Directions List. The service includes requests to:

  • adjourn for further Directions (along with any other general case management orders you might routinely seek from the Registrar in court e.g. timetables for filing affidavits)
  • proceed on the next physical Directions listing
  • refer to the Judges List.

Using Online Court in the Corporations List

The Online Court is only available to legal representatives who have matters in the Supreme Court Registrar’s Directions List and have an Online Registry account. Parties who are not legally represented will not be able to use the system; however legal practitioners can, at their discretion, use Online Court to submit signed consent orders on behalf of an unrepresented party.

Managing matters in Online Court

Any matter listed in the Registrar’s Direction’s List, will automatically be able to be used by solicitors or their delegates to make a request.

One party can make a request online and attach signed consent orders
If parties are legally represented and have Online Registry accounts, a party can make a request online, then opposing parties can consent or counter this request
The Registrar will review requests made through Online Court and make orders. The recording of an order in Online Court can result in:

  • vacating the next Directions listing, and scheduling a new listing date
  • recording identical orders sought by you, or the Registrar’s preferred orders; as is the case in the physical courtroom, the orders recorded are at the Registrar’s discretion


All parties will be notified by email when:

  • a request is submitted via the Online Court
  • a response to an Online Court request is made (consent or counter a request)
  • the Registrar has responded to a request and made an order.


At any time during Online Court:

  • legal representatives may send a message to the Registrar
  • the Registrar may send messages to all legal representatives
  • messages will be visible to all parties in the Online Court record

Online Court records

All actions including requests, consents, counter requests, reasons, messages, documents, commentary and orders made in Online Court will be recorded in the Online Court record and will be visible to all parties. You can request a free transcript of the Online Court record by emailing onlineregistry-support@justice.nsw.gov.au. If the request is made by someone who is not directly involved in the case, the transcript will only be distributed once the Registrar has approved its release.

Feedback and technical support

We encourage your open and honest feedback on any aspect of the system or process. Similarly, if you experience difficulties using the system, send an email detailing the issues encountered (including screen images where possible) so we can assist you.

All feedback and enquiries can be emailed to onlineregistry-support@justice.nsw.gov.au

Cut-off times

The cut-off time for the Online Court Registrars Directions List is 12:00pm the day before the Registrars list.

To avoid attending in person, we recommend all Online Court matters are responded to promptly in advance of this deadline. You should always check your dashboard for recent activity by no later than the day before your next Directions listing.

For more information and help with using Online Court, watch the video.

For more information, visit our FAQs.

Refer to the User Guide for the Online Court.

Login to Online Court now