How do I appeal a driver’s licence or vehicle registration decision?

If you’ve had your driver licence suspended by police or received a letter from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) about a vehicle or licence decision, you may be eligible to appeal the decision. 

What you need to know

You may appeal a licence or registration decision in the Local Court if you have:

  • a letter from Transport for NSW (about a driver’s licence or vehicle registration) informing you that you may appeal to the Local Court OR
  • an immediate licence suspension notice from NSW Police

How to appeal 

Watch this short video which shows you how to fill out the form. 

  1. Register or login to the Online Registry
  2. Click on the New case tab
  3. Select the Licence or Vehicle Registration Appeal form
  4. Complete the online form
  5. Pay the appropriate fee to submit your form

Forms that require payment are not submitted to the Court until the payment has been made. 

Your appeal hearing date

After you have filed your online appeal form, you will receive an email (which will be sent to the email address in your Online Registry account profile) with details of your filing status, and an attached court-sealed document.

Important to note: The email you receive will contain attachments as a 'zip file'. You will need to download and save the zip file on your computer to be able to view the attachments.

The attachment will list the time and date of the hearing together with details of the court location you requested. 

You must attend court on the listed hearing date. You should also take printed copies of the court-sealed documents attached to your notification email and any material which supports the grounds of your appeal application.

If you are unable to attend court on the hearing date listed, your application may be dismissed. However, you may contact the court in advance to ask if the hearing can be listed on an alternative date.