NSW Online Registry
Courts and Tribunals

How to set up an electronic organisation

An electronic organisation allows you to replicate your business structure online, so that you can collaborate with teams across multiple locations. 

This demonstration will briefly step you through the process for:

  • Registering an eOrganisation
  • Adding users

Video transcript for eOrganisation overview

This NSW Online Registry video will provide an overview of eOrganisations, which is an online function set up to help you manage your business (including user profiles and permissions) from a central source. This video will demonstrate how to:

  • Register an eOrganisation
  • Add users 
  • Assign delegates to users
  • Remove users
  • Set up direct debit

You can click on any dot point on screen now to skip ahead to that section of the video.

[The NSW Online Registry – Search case list displays]

A legal practitioner, authorised officer or delegate user type can register their business as an eOrganisation. By default, the person who registers the eOrganisation will also become the administrator; however this can be changed down the track. 

To register the business, login to your account and click 'Manage profile'.

[User clicks the Manage profile tab]

Your profile will display. Click the Register eOrganisation tab

The register eOrganisation page displays.

Here, you will need to enter the detail of your organisation, including the ABN or ACN. You will also need to click Confirm, to confirm the ABN or ACN is active.
You will need to select an eOrganisation type. 

[eOrganisation type drop down box is selected]

Legal professionals, for example solicitors and their delegates, should select 'Legal Practitioner' from this drop down list.
Authorised officers, for example those who file court forms or manage cases on behalf of non-legal firms, should select 'Litigant' from the list.

Complete all information on screen 
If you are registering in relation to a criminal proceeding, tick the checkbox, however you will
not be able to proceed as criminal prosecutions cannot be managed online.
Ensure you read the terms and conditions, and tick the confirmation box before clicking Register.

Your eOrganisation profile has been created.

You can now access the Manage eOrganisation tab to add users, remove users and assign delegates. 

[User clicks Manage eOrg tab]

The Manage eOrg tab will display your eOrganisation ID, and the details you entered during
registration. Scroll down to view members, and add registered users.

As the eOrganisation has only just been registered, only one user (the one who registered) will display in the list of users. To add more, click 'Add registered users'.

[The Add registered user screen displays]

You can only add users to your eOrganisation after they’ve registered themselves individually with the Online Registry website. Each user should then provide the administrator, with their eID (which is their username), and the email address they used to register with.

Enter their eID and email address

[User enters sample eID and email address]

Then click Confirm details
The users name will display. Ensure this is the correct user, and change any permissions from the Permissions box by selecting or de-selecting the checkboxes.

[Permissions include: File document, View case information, Administer eOrg, Pilot user]

When ready, click Save

The user has now been added to your eOrganisation

[User scrolls to the bottom of the Manage eOrganisation screen]

You can see the new user listed at the bottom of the screen.

Next, we’ll look at how to assign a delegate to act on behalf of a solicitor on the record or authorised officer.

Before you can do this, all users must be registered and added to the eOrganisation, and must therefore display in this list at the bottom of the Manage eOrg tab.
Select the legal practitioner or authorised officer from the list.

[User selects the Legal Practitioner from the list]

Their profile will display.
Select the delegates tab

Any existing delegates would display here. To add new ones, click Add your delegates
A list of all delegates who’ve been added to the eOrganisation will display. Select delegates as required.

Then click Save

The delegates have now been added to the legal practitioner or authorised officer.
To remove any delegates from acting on behalf of that user, click the red X. This will only remove them as a delegate, and will not remove them as a user from the eOrganisation
Click Manage eOrg to return to the eOrganisation screen

Next, we’ll look at how to remove a user from an eOrganisation.

From the Manage eOrg tab, select the user you want to remove
The users profile will display.

Here you have two options: 

You can make the user inactive by clicking Inactivate. This will leave their profile attached to the eOrganisation, however they will not be able to access cases or file forms online, until their profile is reactivated (using these same steps)

Or, you can completely remove the user from the eOrganisation by clicking the red X

[The red X is selected. A confirmation pop up screen displays. The user selects OK to confirm they want to remove the user from the eOrganisation]

The user has now been removed. Click the Manage eOrg tab to confirm the user is no longer listed

[The Manage eOrg tab is selected]

The user has been removed from the list    

When you’re registered as an eOrganisation, you’re able to pay for forms online using either a credit card, or Direct debit.

To manage payment options, click the Payment options button

The Manage profile screen will display. Scroll down to view payment options

Credit cards can be registered here, with a maximum of 3 credit cards registered at any one time. Please note credit card details cannot be registered once for all eOrganisation users, they must be added individually by each member in their Manage profile screen.

To set up direct debit, you must first email the Online Registry support team to request it. Their details can be found in the footer of the website, or from the Contact Us page. 

Once set up, eOrganisation users will be able to select Direct debit from the drop down list under Default payment method.

Thank you for watching. To access the Online Registry, go to onlineregistry.lawlink.nsw.gov.au. and please subscribe to our YouTube channel to see the latest products from NSW Courts online services