NSW Online Registry
Courts and Tribunals

How to apply for Probate

The Probate service is used to lodge and manage uncontested applications online including applications for a grant of Probate, Reseals, Letters of Administration and Letters of Administration with the will Annexed.  

This video provides an overview of the Probate service including: - How to access and log in to the Probate service – Overview of key navigational pages such as Home, Applicant Checklist, My Applications and Help & Support  – How to start a new application – What to expect when filling out an application – How to save and navigate around an application – Generating Summons and Affidavits – Final steps around paying the filing fee and submitting a completed form.  

Probate is available for self-represented litigants, legal practitioners, and authorised officers of government agencies. 


Video transcript for “How to apply for Probate” 

Welcome to Probate. This video will provide a virtual tour of the guided service to apply online for a grant of probate in the Supreme Court of New South Wales. 

The Probate service is used to lodge and manage uncontested applications including: 

  • Applications for a grant of probate  

  • Reseals 

  • Letters of Administration  

  • Letters of Administration with the will Annexed.  

For all other application types, please visit the Supreme Court website or contact the Registry.  

For legal practitioners familiar with previous processes note that the Probate service incorporates the publishing of a Notice of Intended application upon submission. 

Probate is available for  

  • Self-represented litigants,

  • Legal practitioners, and

  • Authorised officers of government agencies. 

To access the Probate service, you must register an account with the NSW Online Registry.  

Visit the Online Registry website home page onlineregistry.lawlink.nsw.gov.au and follow the steps to register. 

To Log in to Probate, select the Probate tile on the Online Registry website click "Probate" button to login and enter your username and password. You will land on the home page of the Probate service. 

The Probate service includes an applicant checklist, a guided application form, and other information to support you. 

Now, let’s look at the home page. Across the top of the page are the menu links to the main sections of Probate. The first menu on the left is "Home". This appears on every page. Click 'Home' to return to the home page, no matter where you are. 

Next, is the "Applicant Checklist". This Checklist provides an outline of information and documents that may be required for most applications and is the pathway to start a new application.

"My Applications" will assist you to access and track the progress of your applications. 

"Help & Support" contains instructions and information to assist you to make an application plus contact details for further support. 

To get started, familiar users can navigate directly to the quick access "Get started" button from the banner on the Home page. Clicking on this button will take you to the Applicant Checklist and enable you to start a new application. 

First time users will benefit from navigating first to the "Help & Support" page, where you will find information including How to start your application, Frequently asked questions, and a Glossary. 

The application asks a series of questions about the deceased, the estate, and your capacity to apply for a grant. You will be asked to upload evidence in support of your application. 

Throughout the application there are a number of question mark icons. These are tool tips and provide information relevant to that particular question or part of the application. 

If you cannot complete the application all at once, you can click save and exit the application, and then continue the application later. 

As you move through the application form, a bar on the right of the page will track your progress. You can also use the quick links below the progress bar to move between the sections of your application. 

Based on your responses, Probate will generate a Summons and Affidavit of Executor or Administrator which you will need to to download, sign and upload. 

You may be prompted to post or deliver original documents to the Supreme Court. 

The final step of the application will be to pay the filing fee and submit the form. 

Probate will notify you by email of any change to the status of your application or if the Court is seeking further information. Email notifications will be sent to the email address associated with your Online Registry profile. 

Thank you for taking this virtual tour.