How do I remove a member from an eOrganisation?

If you are an administrator of an eOrganisation, you can remove a member from the eOrganisation. You will not be able to remove yourself if there are no other administrators for the eOrganisation. 

Remove an eOrganisation member

To remove an eOrganisation member;

  1. Login to the Online Registry 
  2. Click the Manage eOrganisation tab
  3. Click the username of the person you want to remove
  4. Select if you want the user to be inactive or completely removed
    • If the user is to be set as inactive (can be made active again) enter a reason for the change of status
    • If the user is to be completely removed, click the red cross under eOrganisation details
  5. Click Save

For Litigant eOrganisations the Authorised Officer cannot be removed from the eOrganisation, they can only be inactivated and have their permissions removed.

Important to note

If you are a Legal Practitioner in a law firm, you will still be able to view your cases and file forms after you have been removed from an eOrganisation. If you leave the law firm, cases will remain linked to your Online Registry profile (PCN) until a Change of Solicitor Notice is lodged. 

If you registered as a delegate or an authorised officer of a non-legal organisation, you will no longer be able to use the Online Registry secure services.