What are Frequent User IDs (FUIs)?
A Frequent User Identifier (FUI) is a unique code that is issued to specific businesses or government agencies by the Online Registry, to identify individual branches or locations that are part of that specific organisation.
What are FUIs used for?
The Online Registry uses Frequent User IDs (FUIs) to:
- apply appropriate filing fees for approved exempt public authorities, or corporations with annual returns of less than $200,000 per year
- reduce data entry (and any likely errors that may arise) when legal professionals routinely file forms on behalf of the same client
- cross-check the validity of filings on behalf of registered eOrganisations using in-house legal teams.
How do I obtain a FUI?
To obtain a FUI, you will need to send a request to our support team. Make sure you include:
- The name of the organisation exactly as it should appear on documents you file.
- The organisation's registered trading address (or specify that all correspondence should be care of your own address).
- The organisation's ABN and/or ACN.
- Evidence that the Court has already approved payment of reduced filing fees under Clause 4 (4) of the Civil Procedure Regulation 2012.
- If you believe that the organisation is exempt from paying filing fees, please provide your grounds e.g. your organisation is an 'exempt public authority' falling outside the definition of a 'Corporation' in section 57 of the Corporations Act 2001.